◄ Old Guard ►

A Old Guard absolute indication agency alpha anchorage animal kingdom architecture aristocracy ascertainment assurance atelier barbershop barons beauty parlor beauty shop beginning bench blast-off boutique building burden of proof business butcher shop certification chain of being chain store check checking class structure co-op collation colonization commencement company concern concession conclusive evidence confirmation constitution construct construction cooperative corporation countinghouse country store cream creation cutting edge damning evidence dawn deep-rootedness deep-seatedness demonstration department store desk determination dime store discount house discount store domain edge edifice effectuation elite embedment emporium ensuring enterprise entrenchment erection fabric facility firm five-and-ten fixation fixedness fixity fixture flying start formation foundation founding fresh start general store hierarchy house implantation inauguration inception incontrovertible evidence indisputable evidence infixion initiation installation installment institute institution investiture inveteracy ironclad proof jump-off kick-off kingdom leading edge lodgment loft lords of creation magasin mail-order house market mart materialization mineral kingdom mooring natural hierarchy new departure nobility office oncoming onset onus onus probandi opening organization origin origination outbreak outfit outset overlapping packaged house parlor pecking order peopling pile plantation population post power elite power structure prefab prefabrication proof pyramid realization realm reassurance reassurement retail store ruling circles ruling class running start salon send-off setting in motion setting-up settlement settling shop skyscraper square one stabilization start start-off starting point store structure studio substantiation supermarket superstructure sure sign sweatshop take-off the Church the Establishment the administration the authorities the best the best people the brass the government the power structure top people tower trading post unmistakable sign upper class upper crust validation variety shop variety store vegetable kingdom verification warehouse wareroom wholesale house work site work space workbench workhouse working space workplace workroom workshop worktable


Old Granny
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